At CSAIL (MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), students were having difficulty locating the professors they wanted to work with, or the groups and projects they wanted to join. There was no easy way to sort through the different categories of interests and impact areas on the old site, and most of the detailed CSAIL information was interspersed among several external research group websites. The old site also didn’t demonstrate the culture interconnectivity at CSAIL, and it didn’t effectively educate users about the organization. We conducted user interviews with students and professors, asking about the general pain points throughout the site and in the CSAIL application process. We also examined site analytics to see where users were going and where they were dropping off. We used this combined data to restructure the site, introduce connectivity and add more useful information for the CSAIL student. We created a system to organize all of CSAIL (people, research projects, research groups, news and events) and allow a user to find things relevant to their area of study. Profile pages for each person, group and project have information that shows how all of CSAIL is connected. We also created a section that explains […]
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Road Scholar Home Page Redesign

Road Scholar noticed that their home page user engagement was dropping off over time, causing sales to decline. They asked the Moth team to help remedy this dire situation. Using heatmap data and site analytics, we constructed some content strategies to rearrange the home page and add more relevant user content to it. Using elements from their design system, we restructured the home page so that more browsable components were brought higher up in the experience. We also introduced some entry points to their travel blog and other frequently generated content. The order of the page elements varies based on the user’s data, surfacing more relevant content for that person. Immediately after our efforts were implemented, Road Scholar’s site engagement took off, and sales increased dramatically. Original Home Page Updated Home Page
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Osteonovus Website: Design & Development

Ostenovus wanted to introduce their new product line of bone regenerating putties with a quick, but informative interactive experience. We achieved this by shooting demonstration videos that show how strong and versatile the products are under several common surgical procedures. We also provided users with a way to examine how the product affects bone growth over time, at several magnification levels.
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Vistaprint Interactive Kiosk

As art director at Vistaprint, I was tasked with envisioning the design for an interactive welcome kiosk.  The kiosk serves as a fun educational tool that allows employees and visitors to access information and announcements, and is a unique opportunity to immerse the user in Vistaprint company culture.
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